Academic honesty & plagiarism


Ixcel's Academic Honesty Policy

Students at Ixcel shall maintain a high standard of honesty in scholastic work. Among the conduct regulations addressed are acts of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism or cheating on assignments, examinations or other academic work, or without prior approval of the instructor, submitting work already done for another course.

Students shall avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to:

1. Plagiarism:

     The use of another person's words without attribution and without enclosing the words in quotation marks.

     Plagiarism may also be defined as the act of taking the ideas or expression of ideas of another person and

     representing them as one's own, even if the original paper has been paraphrased or otherwise modified. A

     close or extended paraphrase may also be considered plagiarism even if the source is named.

2. Collusion:

     When specifically prohibited in advance by the instructor, collaborating with another person in the preparation

     of notes, themes, reports or other written work offered for credit.

3. Cheating on an examination or quiz:

     Giving or receiving information or using prepared material on an examination or quiz.

4. Falsification of data:

     Manufacturing data, falsification of information, including providing false or misleading information, or

     selective use of data to support a particular conclusion or to avoid conducting actual research.

Any member of the academic community may bring complaints of academic dishonesty against a student. Sanctions for academic dishonesty can range from a failing grade on a particular assignment or examination to dismissal from the university based on the seriousness of the action and whether it is part of a pattern of academic dishonesty. Students have the right to appeal instructor decisions to the Conduct Board. Sanctions extending beyond a particular course, such as suspension or dismissal from an academic program or from the Institution, can only be imposed as the result of complaints filed under the Disciplinary Procedures  and after Formal Hearings .


All disciplines appreciate writing that is well developed, organized, carefully worded and grammatically correct.

Each discipline has its own set of rules and conventions, (ways of structuring an essay, grammar preferences-past/present tense, first/third person, quotations/citation, etc.)

Your writing should reflect your ability to engage the language of a discipline and its content.

It is important to know your instructors expectations about the writing you are expected to produce for their class. The best way to know is ask.


Ixcel Centre for Professional studies

Rep of Maldives 


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